The Bird and The Fire

The Bird and The Fire

Once there was a huge fire in the forest, all animals were running away. There was a bird who was flying far to the ocean, filling water all he could in his beak, flies back to the forest and drop the water into the fire and he kept doing it. Someone asked the bird are you stupid; this will never extinguish the fire. The bird answered-

When history will be written, 3 types of people will be remembered- 

1. Who lit the fire

2. Ones who kept seeing the fire

3. And ones who extinguished the fire

And so I will be on the list of ones who helped extinguish the fire. Similarly this story reminds us the power of little and the choice we always have to chose the right.

Thanks to the Sister Shivani I heard this story from, had the opportunity to attend session live which indeed was enriching experience than virtual sessions.