Healthy person has 1000 wishes. Unhealthy person just one

Healthy person has 1000 wishes. Unhealthy person just one

It's not worth to lose peace, happiness, sleep when we can make choice in situations.

If we take pause to reflect on the gazillion thoughts that keep crossing our mind back and forth in a day. Act upon the most anxious one's, think of the possibilities-  the tension that it holds goes away. While ignoring inner voice, floating through the day, emotions stack up inside and gradually depletes the strength of the soul, overtime it reflects onto the physical appearance and health of the body.

Good or Bad, things come surprisingly. Being physically and emotionally fit are two long term investments we make that changes our destiny wehn the table turns around in our life.

  Think of the happiest and cheerful day of your life. Every single day, can be the most beautiful experience of our life, with right conciousness.

Questions for you -

  1. You know you've got 3 hours before you die today. What are the things you'd do?
  2. Are you currently doing those things?
  3. What's one purpose you stand by in your life?

Changes I chose for healthy life

  1. Going vegetarian
  2. Daily Meditation
  3. Information quality change
  4. Early dawn waking

Favourite things this week ❤️

🎧 Music listening to- RISHAB RIKHIRAM SHARMA

🧘🏻‍♀️ Pondering upon- Spiritual Story

📚 Currently reading- Storyworthy by Mathew Dicks