Why believe source of spiritual teachings

Why believe source of spiritual teachings

So I have been reading Bhagavd Gita, from where I am sharing my interestingly found  wisdom for life. Single best read that’s changing me as I’m learning and experiencing about life and purpose of life in real time! I will be sharing it in series of snippet so that it gives understanding of topics.

👩‍👧‍👦 Who should read this

  1. If you want to lead spiritual life
  2. To begin concentrating on meditation
  3. If you want to become calm and be aware of your inner self
  4. It provides deep insight of knowlege which helps with our day to day problems

💡Watch snippet to understand

Creation of life cycle

🌻 My thought

  • Incuding me before, many of us think holy book to be boring irrelevant but it turly is the solution book of modern life problems.
  • When you start learning from begining, It’ll blow your mind off with truths of life and you’ll start experiencing unbelievable change in your life.
  • Reading few lines of pure content everyday before bed, has transformed my quality of my relationships, my emotinal strength, personal and work life.
  • I encourage you to read and grasp this knowlege- as what we watch, read, listen is who we become. As is the quality of our information, same is our thought process.
  • Below is little insight, why you should believe in god’s teaching (Bhagvatam)- in short the scientific knowlege change and evolves with human race but divine knowlege is consistant above 5000 years and will remain in coming ages (as it is said to be the absolute knowledge of life).

There are two types of teachings ascending, descending.

Ascending  knowledge- the ascending process of gaining knowledge is prone to defect. As our senses, intellect are limited.  We can not be sure about the accuracy and reliability of the knowledge we gain through them. Example- material science the Greek concept of matter as consisting of individual atoms was invalidated by Rutherford when he demonstrated that atoms consist of electrons, protons and neutrons and vast region of empty space. Rutherford's theory was overthrown by the quantum theory which stated that electrons and protons are not solid particles but vibrating particles of energy with a dual practical wave nature.

This makes us wonder what we believe to be true today might also be proven incorrect after a few centuries.

Descending knowledge - Completely free from such defects when we receive knowledge from perfect source, we can be assured that it is flawless. Example - if we wish to know who our father is we do not conduct experiments. We simply ask our mother as she is the authority on this information. Likewise in spiritual matters too, the descending process immediately gives us access to vast reservoirs of knowledge which would have taken ages of self control to unveil. Only criteria here is that the source for which we receive knowledge must be infallible and trustworthy. The Vedas are one such source of knowledge The vedas are not the name of any book. They refer to the knowledge of God which he manifested with the cycle of creation. All the scriptures, vedas impart same knowlege from which bhagvatam is considered supreme.

Sharing my learnings here, I would love to know your inspiration and learnings as well. :)

snippet here from current page :D